Unveiling the Motivations and Challenges: an Introspection into Women's Football in Hungary
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The article evaluates the current state of hungarian women's football. It recognizes progress in the women's game while addressing persistent challenges like social perceptions and financial disparities.
The research aims to comprehend the motivation of Hungarian adult female football and futsal players, exploring aspects such as the supportive environment and reasons for sustained engagement (N=175).
Findings reveal the dual nature of women's football in Hungary, encompassing both competitive and recreational aspects. We delve into players' sentiments, thoughts of quitting, and future plans within the sport.
The motivation analysis underscores the prevalence of intrinsic motivation rooted in genuine interest, with elite players exhibiting stronger extrinsic motivation. The study emphasizes football's positive impact and advocates for promoting physical activity and lifelong engagement.
In conclusion, we calls for further development in women's football, addressing challenges and promoting recreational aspects. It advocates for strategies to reduce dropout rates and highlights football's potential for positive societal changes.
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