Editorial Guidance and Mission Statement
The ,,recreation” is a quarterly published journal containing peer reviewed articles in Hungarian and in English related to the comprehensive field of recreational sciences (health promotion, preventive medicine, leisure time)
The Journal has the following ISSN identifiers:
ISSN 2064-4981 (Print)
ISSN 3003-9509 (Online)
The mission of the Journal is to publish reviews and original research papers (either in Hungarian with English abstract or in English with Hungarian abstract -Hungarian and/or English full text reports-) sprouting from the endlessly developing disciplines of sport science, health science, dietetics, and tourism with a particular emphasis of physical, mental or spiritual recreation. The Journal aims to promote hands-on methods and applications of health preserving techniques. Papers of high quality that encompass touristic or recreational trends of Central-Eastern Europe are more than welcome.
Vol. 14 No. 4 (2024): Journal of Recreation
In the greeting of our latest issue, we can read the thoughts of Dr. Dániel Lőkös, one of the associate professors of the newly introduced Lifestyle and Recreation course at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary:
Winter and recreation
In most cases, these three words form an organic unity when we pause for a moment in the midst of our hectic everyday lives and put aside our urgent tasks. We sense that nature is resting and preparing for the renewal of spring, just as the major holidays of most cultures speak to us and invite us to reflect, sum up and give thanks. This is a time when it is good to pause for a while and be able to appreciate what has passed, and then listen to our inner voices in the wise silence of winter.
It can be of great value if we can do this in the company of a valued community where we can give each other strength, inspiration and intellectual and spiritual support. Often the magic of the holidays — the anticipation, the dreaming — has a healing and rejuvenating effect in itself. This pure, childlike part of our soul matures as we enter the reflective season of adulthood, through perseverance, as we return to our curiosity over the course of winter.
I invite our community to intentionally cultivate and develop this mindset through the current issue of our journal.
As one of the editors of the Journal of Recreation, our scientific journal, I am pleased to share these thoughts with our valued readers and highly recommend our winter issue. It offers a rich selection of studies, current trends and research findings — intellectual food for long and meaningful winter evenings.
Dr. Dániel Lőkös
Associate professor
Institute for Lifestyle and Physical Culture
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty of Economics, Health Sciences and Social Studies
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