Innovation in health tourism - or is structured water the SPA of the future?

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Annamária Juhász
Adrienn Papp


No one doubts the life-giving power of water. Drinking water is part of a healthy lifestyle, as most people are aware of the consequences of dehydration. At the same time, the question arises whether we have enough information about water. The structure of water greatly affects the functioning of our body. The purpose of this article is to present the mechanisms of action of structured waters rich in dissolved oxygen, as well as to analyze its potential in the field of hotel services based on the needs of health-conscious consumers. An innovation applicable in health tourism will be presented, which can form a competitive advantage in the field of SPA.


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How to Cite
Juhász, A., & Papp, A. (2024). Innovation in health tourism - or is structured water the SPA of the future?. Recreation, 14(3), 42–45.
Modern Healthy Lifestyle
Author Biographies

Annamária Juhász, University of Miskolc

Assistant lecturer

MTMT ID: 10054528

Google Scholar ID: IRI3YksAAAAJ


Adrienn Papp, University of Miskolc

Associate professor

MTMT ID: 10050044

Google Scholar ID: jMwilEAAAAAJ


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