The spine health among adolescent students

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Mónika Szigethy
Dániel Arany
Pál Góczán


Poor posture is becoming increasingly common among School-aged children, which can lead to various musculoskeletal problems in the long term. During the intensive growth period, children's core muscles are often not strong enough, a situation further exacerbated by a sedentary lifestyle and an unsuitable school environment. Early detection and the application of appropriate intervention programs are crucial for the prevention of postural disorders and spinal problems.

The aim of this research is to assess the impact of a targeted posture correction program on changes in the spinal sections of adolescents and to investigate the effects of home inactivity that occurred during the pandemic. In the study, we examined the spines of adolescents using the Spinal Mouse device and evaluated the results by considering the Idiag Posture Score and the Matthiass test outcomes.


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Szigethy, M., Arany, D., & Góczán, P. (2024). The spine health among adolescent students. Recreation, 14(3), 19–23.
Recreational training
Author Biographies

Mónika Szigethy , Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology Institute of Sport Sciences

 Assistant Professor

MTTM ID:10069780

Google Scholar ID: 10069780

Dániel Arany, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology Institute of Sport Sciences

Assistant lecturer

MTMT ID: 10096354

Google Scholar ID: z2A6g60AAAAJ

Pál Góczán, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology Institute of Sport Sciences

Testnevelés – gyógytestnevelés és egészségfejlesztés szakos hallgató


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