The Power is the winning! Examination of body composition parameters of powerlifters in terms of fitness for the sport

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Dominik Bársony
Katalin Biróné Ilics
Katalin Nagyváradi


The aim of our study is to determine the main body sizes and body composition of athletes competing in powerlifting in order to expand the domestic literature, as well as to formulate findings in the field of sport selection and talent management that contribute to the performance of sport aptitude tests. All male powerlifting competitors from Szombathely over the age of 18 participated in our research (N=18). An InBody720 measuring device was used for the body composition examination, and an anthropometric measurement was performed to determine the body dimensions (Martin & Saller, 1957; Weiner & Lourie, 1969), during which 24 parameters were recorded. From the obtained data, we determined the body type of the subjects based on the 6 types developed for athletes by Mészáros (1990). Basic statistics and a correlation matrix were used to evaluate the results.

Keywords: powerlifting, body shape, anthropometry, aptitude for sports


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How to Cite
Bársony, D., Bíróné dr. Ilics, K., & Dr. Nagyváradi, K. (2024). The Power is the winning! Examination of body composition parameters of powerlifters in terms of fitness for the sport. Recreation, 14(3), 16–18.
Talent management
Author Biographies

Dominik Bársony, Eötvös Loránd University

Physical education, adapted Phisical Education Student.

Main research areas: selection, talent management, competitive sports

Katalin Biróné Ilics, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology Institute of Sport Sciences-Szombathely

Assistant professor

Main research areas: recreation, selection, talent management, competitive sport

MTMT ID: 10033021

Google Scholar ID: Xqp6qGkAAAAJ

Scopus ID: 55675634700

Katalin Nagyváradi, Eötvös Loránd University

Assistant professor

Main research areas: recreation, health promotion, competitive sports

MTMT ID: 10027164

Google Scholar ID: Xqp6qGkAAAAJ

Scopus ID: 55675745300



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