Wisdom with Age: Ayurvedic and Modern Approaches to Positive Aging

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Rakesh Anil Zope


This article takes a look at views on aging through Ayurvedic and modern perspectives. Aging is often seen negatively in society, but Ayurveda views it as a natural process and also offers therapies like Rasayana to promote longevity and well-being. In Ayurvedic approach emphasis is given to balance physical and mental health. Attention is given to addressing the dominance of Vata in old age. Modern research aligns with these concepts. It shows that a positive mindset improves mental and physical health in older adults. The article highlights the confluence of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and contemporary science. It emphasizes the importance of respecting the wisdom of the elderly and aging gracefully.


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How to Cite
Zope, R. A. (2024). Wisdom with Age: Ayurvedic and Modern Approaches to Positive Aging. Recreation, 14(3), 11–15. https://doi.org/10.21486/recreation.2024.14.3.2
Author Biography

Rakesh Anil Zope, Tapovana Ayurvedic Medical Collage and Hospital

Tapovana Ayurvedic Medical Collage and Hospital, Karnatake

Ayurvedic Doctor with Masters degree in Ayurvedic Phototherapy


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