„Where Heaven and Eath meet...” – Spiritual Workout
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The idea of religious practice is that it takes place in the soul, in the mind, in a transcendental space open to the sky. We associate the concept of spiritual practice with sitting postures, reading holy books, conversation, contemplation and prayer. Very few of us, and very few times, get to the point where religious practice is also fleshed out and deepened by physical activity.
We associate movement with Eastern religions and philosophies. Christianity is treated as separate from exercise, movement and sport. This article seeks to present the historical roots of the Christian religion that link it to movement and sport.
The reader can read about spiritual practices that provide mental and physical and transcendental recreation for the 21st century man. In which meditation, prayer with monks and physical work on the body with the help of fitness instructors play a central role.
All this can be done within the ancient walls of the Abbey in Pannonhalma. The Benedictine monks welcome all believers, seekers, women, men, young and old to their year-round programmes with the apt motto: Pannonhalma Abbey - contemporary for a thousand years.
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