Recreational opportunities for tourism workers

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Szilvia Beke
Dominika Mihuca


Currently, balancing quality leisure time with maintaining work productivity has become increasingly crucial. There are many forms of recreation, both physical and mental.

In relation to quality leisure time and travel, numerous studies have examined guest expectations upon arriving at a destination and the prevailing preferences in different areas. However, much less attention is given to whether the employees, who work during the week to ensure guests have a pleasant experience, have opportunities to recharge properly. Additionally, it is seldom discussed whether employers prioritize preventing burnout among their staff.

This study addresses this issue through a quantitative survey conducted among tourism professionals in a city known for its health tourism. The survey was carried out from September 29 to October 10, 2023, and received a total of 131 responses. The data were processed and analyzed using Microsoft Excel.

The results indicate that workers in the tourism sector also seek opportunities to recharge, often preferring active pursuits such as cycling, hiking, and training. Moreover, employers generally have a positive attitude towards this need. However, employer-provided programs are typically focused on team-building activities, which employees do not always find desirable.


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How to Cite
Dr. Beke, S., & Mihuca, D. (2024). Recreational opportunities for tourism workers. Recreation, 14(2), 35–38.
Health tourism
Author Biographies

Szilvia Beke, Gál Ferenc Egyetem Egészség- és Szociális Tudományi Kar

Gál Ferenc University Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, vice dean

Dominika Mihuca, Gál Ferenc University Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

Gál Ferenc University Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Health Care Management


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