Editorial Guidance and Mission Statement

The ,,recreation” is a quarterly published journal containing peer reviewed articles in Hungarian and in English related to the comprehensive field of recreational sciences (health promotion, preventive medicine, leisure time)

The Journal has the following ISSN identifiers:

ISSN 2064-4981 (Print)

ISSN 3003-9509 (Online)

The mission of the Journal is to publish reviews and original research papers (either in Hungarian with English abstract or in English with Hungarian abstract -Hungarian and/or English full text reports-) sprouting from the endlessly developing disciplines of sport science, health science, dietetics, and tourism with a particular emphasis of physical, mental or spiritual recreation. The Journal aims to promote hands-on methods and applications of health preserving techniques. Papers of high quality that encompass touristic or recreational trends of Central-Eastern Europe are more than welcome.

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Vol. 14 No. 3 (2024): Journal of Recreation


„How beautiful the leaves grow old.
How full of light and color are their last days.”

The American naturalist John Burroughs' words reflect the magic of autumn, which most cultures see as a cycle of change and impermanence. And while autumn is indeed a time of passing, a time of harvest, in a sense it is also a new beginning.

Autumn is perhaps the most colourful of the seasons, symbolizing the variety of recreational activities. In the early autumn months, after the hot summer days, it’s refreshing to spend time outdoors enjoying our favourite activities in the spirit of active relaxation. Later, the cooler, foggier days of autumn also reveal the beauty of the season. And if that's not so inviting, we can retreat to the many creative activities awaiting us at home. We can be inspired by our favourite book or the following pages, but we can also create something beautiful and memorable that will remain a fond reminder for years to come. The participation of family and friends further enhances the experiences and memories, supporting inter-generational communication. Creativity is limitless, but we have to make the space for time for ourselves and our friends.

Let the positive spirit of the autumn season transform into a deep, personal joy within us.

I wish you an autumn full of experiences!

Kata Kulcsár

Head of the Gerontology column

Published: 2024-11-29

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21486/recreation.2024.14.3.1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21486/recreation.2024.14.3.2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21486/recreation.2024.14.3.3

The spine health among adolescent students

Mónika Szigethy , Dániel Arany, Pál Góczán


DOI: https://doi.org/10.21486/recreation.2024.14.3.4

Renaissance of Analogue Music Listening in Hungary

Zoltán Tánczos; János Novák; Márton Magyar


DOI: https://doi.org/10.21486/recreation.2024.14.3.5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21486/recreation.2024.14.3.6

In and out of the mask - experiencing everyday life after COVID through the eyes of parents and professionals

Viktória Herczeg, Katalin Rózsavölgyi Jalekné , Zsolt Tömő, Szilvia Beke


DOI: https://doi.org/10.21486/recreation.2024.14.3.7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21486/recreation.2024.14.3.8
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